
In this event, we brought some of our community members to a guided tour into the Canadian Light Source.




In this event, we received Dr. Chris Bowman, from Innovation Enterprise who talked about Entrepreneurship for Engineers.



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The Social Event hosted by EGCC at the GSA Commons is a tradicional event to bring together the graduate community from our College and the Faculty members.

This event was supported by the College of Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan.


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In this event, we received Mrs. Zsuzsa Papp, from MITACS, who presented some opportunities for graduate students.

Mrs. Papp talked about the different programs that Mitacs has for graduate students and post-docs.

In summary, Globlink is for Undergrads and Grad students planning to do part of their research in another country.
Two other programs aim to create a relationship between Industry and Academia:

  • Accelerate is for both Graduate Students and Post-docs, while
  • Elevate is only for Post-docs.

To learn more about the programs, access the Mitacs website.

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